( )

{{promolabel}} {{trspromo.title}}

Force availabilities

{{ footer }}


no more availability from {{getMonth(calMonth)}} 1st to {{bkendday}} for the {{section.title}} at {{mealtype}} for {{ bkcover }} persons.

Check other number of persons or other sections above for more availability.

no more availability on {{getMonth(calMonth)}} 1st for the {{section.title}} at {{mealtype}}.
Check other number of persons or other sections above for more availability.
no more availability for the month of {{getMonth(calMonth)}} for the {{section.title}} at {{mealtype}} for {{ bkcover }} persons.
Check other number of persons or other sections above for more availability.
dates after {{getMonth(calMonth)}} {{bkendday}} have not yet been opened
(You can book up to 14 days in advance. Please check again soon) (dates are opened {{bookingwindow}} days ahead , 10am) ... check tomorrow
{{zenopendate() }}
Reservations are open every 1st day of the month, at 10am.
If you do not see any availability after that date, it means we are fully booked.

{{ zang.selectdate.vl }}

{{ zang.noavailable1.vl }} {{ zang.noavailable3.vl }} ({{pax}} {{ zang.adults.vl }}) ({{pax}} {{ zang.adults.vl }}),. {{ zang.noavailable2.vl }}

{{ zang.selectdate.vl }}

{{ zang.noavailable1.vl }} {{ zang.noavailable3.vl }} ({{pax}} {{ zang.adults.vl }} ) ({{pax}}),. {{ zang.noavailable2.vl }}


{{zang.selectime.vl}} ( {{ mealtypemapping(mealtype) }} )






{{ duplicates }}
{{promolabel}} {{trspromo.title}}

First time dining with us?


How would you like to receive notifications regarding your reservation?


{{zang['lorderlunch'].vl}} {{section. llorder}}

{{zang['lorderdiner'].vl}} {{section.ldorder}}

{{zang['lorderlunch'].vl}} {{section. llorder}} | {{zang['lorderdiner'].vl}} {{section. ldorder}}

